Thursday, November 19, 2009

I want to make a difference with my PASSION!!!

Sorry for the use of explicatives in this video
But I have never seen something so moving
This is what my life will be about
And that excites me more than (almost) anything
I want to wake up everyday
With so much enthusiasm
That my students can't help
But come to school just as excited
No matter what happened at home
Before they got to school
My hope is that they will leave it at the door
That my hug and smiling face
Will brush the weight of their shoulders
And if it doesn't
I will write them words of encouragement
On brightly-colored sticky notes
Because both bright colors
And sticky notes
Make me smile
That alone is a hint that I was born to teach
I will understand that they are much smarter
Than they appear to be
On mornings like those
And that is okay
Because I have had my fair share
Of mornings like those
When I am the one in need of a hug
They will know
I will declare group hug
And the boys will roll their eyes
When really they love it just as much
As all those cootie covered cuties
And as a wise fellow teacher
(Who I happen to love
And will be marrying next December)
Told me had worked in his classroom
I, too, will put into practice
I will tell my students to take out a piece of paper
And write anything on it
That they wish hadn't happened
Or that they did wrong
Or something that makes them sad
Or anything that would distract them
From being a great learner that day
"No. It is not for a grade."
And here is what I will tell them:
"Take that piece of paper
And wad it up in a ball
Or rip it into a million little pieces
And throw it in the trash can
Because right now none of that matters
From the moment that paper
Enters that trash can
You will be ready
For the best day of school
You have ever had
And when they are all in that can
We will clap and cheer
Because just like McDonald's
I love to see you smile
I want to fill young minds
With knowledge
And hearts with courage
And backbones with confidence
And legs with perseverance
And hearts with smiles
Because if I can't do that
I have failed them
I have wasted my time
And theirs
They need a teacher
Like the one I want to be
And aspire to be
And dream to be
And wish to be
And plan to be
Because on my way
From where I was
To where I am
Someone taught me to learn
Until I learned to love it
They showed me all I had been through
And told me I was brave
Someone saw something a me
That I didn't even know was there
And wouldn't let that me go to waste
Someone would never let me give up
Or slow down
No matter how much it hurt
Someone made me laugh
When I wanted to cry
Someone taught me how to fake a smile
Until I realized it wasn't fake anymore
I want to be that someone
For at least someone
And what better place to do it
Than in a classroom
Full of kids who haven't had
Nearly enough of those things
They need me
To help them be
The people God created them to be
And I need them
To help me be
The person God created me to be
I want to have story after story
To tell the people who ask
Why I am a teacher
When I can make more money
Doing other things
I want to have the words to say
To the people who say
It takes a special person to teach
"The Special Kids"
But as the once dearly beloved
Purple dinosaur would say
"Everybody is special."
And I am honored
That they see me as such
But when they say that to me
It comes across as sympathy
As if they are thinking
I guess someone has to do it
I am glad it is not me
But I am SO GLAD
It will be me
To become the person
That everyone feels sorry for
It sucks to be them
They sure are missing out