Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Things are a bit different now...

So...since my last post was in June of 2010...there is a lot to catch you up on. I am sure no one is reading this but maybe one day someone will. Because I feel maybe little pieces of my life may be worth reading. For example: my husband and I are both teachers so we have lots of stories in our pockets. I am/was/going to be again a CrossFit doing runner who happens to love to crochet. I am a 24 year old wife and mother of a 7 week old baby boy and 2 shelter dogs. My son is of the human species. The canines are a male wire haired terrier mix who looks a lot like Wishbone and a pit bull who looks like...well a pit bull. And for those of you who are judging me for having a pit bull we will address that later. So since I last posted... 1. I graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 2. I married my best friend on my graduation day. 3. I went on a honeymoon to San Diego California for my honeymoon instead of the planned trip to the Bahamas and it was amazing...another story for another day. 4. Celebrated Christmas during our honeymoon with the new in-laws...wonderful. 5. Returned home to a new job teaching students with social and/or learning disorders in a public high school(this is where some of you may gasp) yes, a public high school. 6. Moved into a great little 2br house walking distance from downtown Chattanooga. 7. Adopted Roscoe, our hyper little wire haired terrier. 8. Tried to find jobs closer to family in either Texas or California with no luck and realizing that would not be a possibility any time soon. 9. House hunted and realized what we thought we wanted we couldn't afford. 10. Stumbled on my dream house that we still couldn't afford. 11. Offered what we could afford on the house and kept our fingers crossed. 12. Got a major steal because the family was desperate to move out. 13. Moved from our little rental house in the city to our own house in the country where we are surrounded by farms, see deer in the neighbors yard on a regular basis, hear donkeys braying from inside the house, and occasionally have to stop for llamas to cross the street. 14. Decided we were ready to start a family...and started by adding a pit bull to the mix to prepare our little terrier to not be he center of attention anymore. 15. Told my husband I was pregnant...another story for another day. 16. Got put on bedrest when I was 34 weeks pregnant due to preterm labor 7 weeks early...was told he would come any day. 17. Three weeks later our healthy little boy was born and that brings us to today... Today: 330 am...woke up for the first time since 11pm to feed our little guy. 630 am...my husband woke up to change little guy's diaper...which he had completely soaked...and the sheets on his bassinet were changed for the first time of the day...then he ate his 2nd meal of the morning 7 am...hubby cuddled with him before he had to get ready to go work at the summer camp we have worked together the past 2 summers. Now 856 am...watching little guy sleep in his monkey swing eating strawberry pop tarts and about to watch The Bachelorette with my mother in law while I work on finishing my sister's crocheted blanket she asked for for her birthday. Here's a pic of the messy pile of yarn and part of the blanket...I will take more work in progress pictures later. Hopefully this is one of the most boring posts I write but I felt you needed a look into my life to see what you have in store. I promise the other posts will be worth your time. At least I think so.


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